2022 Sightings Map

2022 Morel Sightings Map

As usual, the 2022 Morel season had its highs and lows. Take a gander at the map and you’ll see the successes sent in during the year. While you are here, take time and visit The Morel Store for those special occasions and gift ideas for the Shroomer in your life!  There is a lot more to morels then just the maps, so spend some time and enjoy!

If you have issues not seeing the latest sightings markers, try un-checking a month in the bottom left corner of the map and then rechecking the box next to the month.  It should refresh correctly.

There are plenty of features on the interactive map – zoom, filter by month, full screen and more. Below the map you can find a table listing of the 20 most recent sightings along with images and notes if they were sent – there is a “more pages” button at the bottom of this table.

Error: map could not be loaded - a map with ID 37 does not exist. Please contact the site owner.


Additional Map Links

If you would like to submit a current season sighting, the guidelines are pretty simple…Zip, City, State and date found. If you want to add any additional information such as county, weather conditions, or an image that is fine. Sightings will be posted daily during prime morel season.

Use the submit form below or you can email at 

Submit a Sighting


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