The Great Morel is about to expose the science of morels by sharing in-depth knowledge about our beloved morel mushroom. Mycology experts and morel enthusiasts have brought the morel mushroom to a new understanding. From the self-taught mycologist, to the degree holding mycologist, the mycology experts and morel enthusiasts have brought the morel mushroom to […]
The Trees of the Morel
If there is one thing a really good morel mushroom hunter takes pride in – it is his or her ability to identify the trees and vegetation in the woods for one purpose – to find more morels. When the morels make their appearance in the spring most trees are just starting to bud, so […]
Foraging for Morels and Wild Edibles
Spring time for morel hunting enthusiasts is often described in many ways, and often can be summarized as a ritual. The rebirth of nature as it wakes from the winter freeze brings the coming of the ever-elusive great morel mushroom. While most morel hunters only set out to forage this prize mushroom, there are many […]
Health Benefits of the Morel Mushroom
The Great Morel is all about sharing information on morels and this little post focuses on the positive health benefits of the morel mushroom. In the FAQ section, you can find the nutrient value of the morel mushroom, and yet it is often difficult to find a great deal of validated information. The Great Morel […]
The Life Of A Great Morel
The Life Of A Great Morel…. The Great Morel™ has been fortunate over the last 20 years of being able to help morel enthusiasts better understand this spring time fungi. Part of that understanding is to understand the morel life cycle and existence in the world. With contributions from those who have taken the time […]
Morels in the Various Regions of the US
Most of us know our morel mushrooms and for many – we know them well. How well? There are those with self-learned morel knowledge based on years and years of experience. There are those who understand the importance of the weather, and the seasonal cycle, the trees, the hunting techniques, and more. How about we […]
5 Tips For Finding More Morels
Here are 5 tips to help you find more morels and to help make you a better morel hunter. 1. Timing is Critical Depending upon your geographical location in the country, the morel mushroom hunting season can start anytime from early to mid-March and run into late June. Unfortunately the date of the first sighting […]
Do You Think You Could Teach a Dog to Hunt Morels?
Do You Think You Could Teach a Dog to Hunt Morels? Over many years of hunting morels, The Great Morel, along with many fellow Shroomers have more than likely asked this question – “Do you think you could teach a dog to hunt morels?” At first thought one would entertain the notion and believe as […]
Identifying the False Morel
While The Great Morel website is intended to be somewhat of an enjoyable experience and not to be used as a mushroom identification page, this page takes exception to that. The “False Morel” is the most confusing and often times most misidentified species of the morel family, therefore, this page is intended to be taken with the […]