Consider this page as your own personal Mushroom Cookbook. So head for the kitchen, grab the butter, heat up the skillet, or fire up the grill. The Great Morel wishes to thank everyone who has contributed to this cookbook, which contains some of the finest mushroom recipes you may ever find. From good old fashion “eggs and crackers” to “wine and pasta” you’ll find there is something here that’ll satisfy all your taste-buds!
The Great Morel has receive a lot of ideas and suggestions on various ways to preserve these tasty morsels. Check out some of the interesting ways other morel hunters are preserving their morels in the Preserving section of the cookbook.
New to The Great Morel is a Recipe Links page. This page highlights some of the best culinary sites on the net for morel preparation ideas. These are hand picked sites to make searching easier, so be sure to check them out if you can’t find what you are looking for here.