Spring is in the air! Well, at least for those in the south it is in the air. Others will have to wait out Old Man Winter’s lingering effects a while longer. Either way, that means morels will be upon us soon!
The Great Morel hopes all of your winter hibernating was healthy and enjoyable, but now we ready ourselves for morel hunting. That time of year when the woods rejuvenates with life, when the birds chirp with joy, when the morels start to pop, and once again life is good!
The More You Know…
“The Trees of the Morel” is the latest morel article/blog post which is up on the page now. This article helps you identify and learn about the trees of the morel. If you have not slipped over to read the wide variety of morel related articles on the Blog/Article page, it is time do so! The Great Morel continues to post information that is not only informative, but attempts to make all of us better morel hunters. Check out the great articles on the web page – Articles and Blogs.
• The Trees of the Morel
• Foraging or Morels and Wild Edibles
• Health Benefits of The Morel Mushroom
• 5 Tips for Finding More Morels
Sightings Contest…
Last year The Great Morel held a little promo with a photo contest which is on again this season. The Great Morel is unofficially declaring this contest the “Morels in Nature – Sighting of the Year” contest. The best-of-the-best photo submitted to the Sightings Map of “Morels in Nature” during the 2021 season will be crowned with a Great Morel Hat, T-shirt, Morel Deer Antler Key Chain, and have their photo used for the 2022 Puzzle. So keep in mind when you are out foraging – take the camera! This contest is made public only to newsletter subscribers and sighting reporters.
Last year’s winner was Ray R., from PA and his photo is on the new puzzle – “Mossy Magic” which is in The Morel Store now.
Recipe Pages Have a New Look…
In the hibernation season, The Great Morel re-designed the Recipe Pages to make it more pleasant to the eyes. You can now view and print your favorite recipe in a newly formatted layout. It gives all the great recipes a fresh new look, so check it out.
The Great Morel is always looking for new recipes so send them in along with a photo or two and share them with the rest of the morel enthusiasts out there! If they are worthy they may just make the next newsletter “Recipe of the Month”.
Visit the Morel Recipe Page.
Cleaning Out The Morel Store…
The Great Morel has a Clearance thing going on in The Morel Store. Make sure you hit the store and grab some deals before they are gone. Also happy to report and let everyone know the new Mossy Magic puzzle is in the store, along with a new shirt in two popular designs. So slip on over to The Morel Store for your goods.
Social Media…
The Great Morel is excited about the participation in the Facebook Group – The Great Morel Information Exchange Group on Facebook. It has exploded with over 9,100 members and the interaction with those who share the passion of morel hunting is terrific. The Facebook page and Instagram postings will be gearing up again this season as well. The Instagram weekly specials with Clump Day Wednesday, Public Service Announcements (PSA’s), and Dinner and a Movie are all made possible because of contributions from all of you!
Thoughts Heading Into The Season…
Who would have thought we’d have the COVID thing still going on? The Great Morel hopes everyone has been healthy and stays that way. To those who have battled this virus or lost loved ones or friends during this crazy thing, The Great Morel and its community feel and know your struggles – our hearts go out to you.
May everyone be blessed with a wonderful 2021 Morel Season!
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